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I can understand the success of the Souls games, but they don't really appeal to me, either.
The story in the games is not communicated very well, it just flies over my head and remains something very aloof and distant and even incoherent. I know there is extensive lore somewhere in the background, but the story simply doesn't come through in a meaningful way. In practice, it all just boils down to "hack monsters because bad monsters". I guess the souls games aren't really about storytelling anyways, but that would be very important to me personally.
The other thing that bothers me is that the world building and immersion suffers because of all the repetition. Not very much changes in the world due to your actions and beating monsters. The standard baddies simply respawn and you have to kill them over and over to get around and for me it grows boring and pointless, there's no real sense of achievement or progress even though the bosses stay dead and my character levels up. Interactions with NPC's are very limited, also. I like games where the whole world evolves according to my actions and baddies that I have killed don't magically reappear.
But that's just me. You go ahead and enjoy.