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I've been a member on this site for a loong time now and in general I agree with this article. VGChartz is an educated guessimate of sales based on very little real data. Is right generally correct? Yes and no....

Yes: For gamer games and consoles sales I'd say VG Chartz numbers are (for people like myself with a general interest) close enough. Even for reporting, they are close enough to use ala "According to"

No: For movie games, girl games, and other games that of casual appeal or low selling but long selling titles, I do not put any stock into the VG Chartz numbers. While this article refers mainly to Iron Man, that is only the most recent case. Next-Gen did a list of 100 top sellers for last year based on a collection of concrete data which listed all kinds of movie based games and such that VGChartz basically claimed were flops. Since no one on these forums care about those game it's generally overlooked. But the fact remains - If it's a type of game that sells lousy at Best Buy/GameShack but great at Walmart you can bet VGChartz is basically just a guess and should not be taken as 'real'.