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Soriku said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
famousringo said:
A fanboy is a fanboy.

Personally, when I see a thread about Apple on the internet, I see a half-dozen posts bitching about how annoying Apple fanboys are before I see a single post from an Apple fanboy. Guess which I find more annoying?

For now, but don't worry... when the Apple fanboys finally learn how to find their internet browser and discover the internet, we're all doomed! ^_^

Anyway, I definitely see the fanboy fights going way up should Apple enter. The one got guy who made a OSX virus to prove it could be done was getting death threats from Apple fanboys. Video game fans are pretty crazy with all the cosplay stuff, but usually we don't go that far. The current fanboys may be annoying but the Apple fanboys are downright rabid by comparison.

Can I get some examples? =P Links?


Read it on Slashdot late last year.  It's old enough where I'm not going to bother looking for links.