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CGI-Quality said:

Are you doing this on purpose? xD

You'll be moderated for derailing the topic and trolling😁

Well... no. I'm simply using your words against you. ;)


curl-6 said:

Hellblade is good looking and runs at 1080p but does so at 30 fps. Its also far from being anywhere near as good looking as some PS4 exclusives.

Devil May Cry 5 looks better and runs at 1080p 60 fps on PS4. Doom looks better and mostly runs at 1080p 60 fps on PS4. Gran Turismo Sport looks better and runs at 1080p 60 fps. Red Dead Redemption 2 and Horizon look way better while running at the same resolution and framerate.

Hellblade has a 60fps mode on Pro and X. It takes a resolution hit to do so, but that's cos it was designed as a 30fps title.

And I'd actually say Hellblade looks much better than DMC5; the materials, environments, and player character model are all higher fidelity. I'd also put it above several other games made on the engines you list in the OP, certainly above RE7 and MGS5.


CGI-Quality said:
curl-6 said:

Hellblade has a 60fps mode on Pro and X. It takes a resolution hit to do so, but that's cos it was designed as a 30fps title.

And I'd actually say Hellblade looks much better than DMC5; the materials, environments, and player character model are all higher fidelity. I'd also put it above several other games made on the engines you list in the OP, certainly above RE7 and MGS5.

Character models? Yes. Environments? No. Those were two of the biggest games I covered in 2017 and RE7 was, overall, a few notches above Hellblade there. Environments (AO, deformation, Normal/Bumps, etc, etc...) all go to RE7.

Still, I support your overall point.

You guys are missing the point here. Compare Hellblade and Devil May Cry 5 on PS4 for instance. Devil May Cry 5 has better materials and volumetric effects, lots more enemies on screen and they look comparable in other areas, but Hellblade is running at 30 fps and DMC at 60 fps. Same for Xbox One X, they might run at the same framerate but to achieve that Hellblade is running at much lower resolution than DMC. DMC looks amazing while NOT sacrificing either resolution else framerate, which is why the engine is impressive and nothing on Unreal Engine has achieved the same.