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It really depends on how important race is to the character in question. If being white is a key focal point of the character, then I would hope it's left the same, assuming they're planning to do a faithful adaptation. If it's just white noise (heheh), then I couldn't care less. I always thought it thought it was annoying how much attention the race swapping in the Netflix Death Note received, when I was far more concerned with the characters acting completely foreign to their manga counterparts. Turning a quirky sleuth known for his anonymity into someone who gives public speeches annoys me far more than changing something as arbitrary as his skin tone.

Of course, people making adaptations have no obligation to follow the source material 1:1 either...personally I just wish to see the spirit of the original story and characters intact. If that doesn't happen, then said adaptation simply doesn't deserve my attention.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334