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Reasonable said:
Couldn't agree more... but I suspect it will be tough to achieve.

There will always be disagreements on forums like these - weren't we disagreeing on whether you can compare RFOM2 and MGS4 at this time or not just recently? But neither of us needed to do anything other than post calmly and take things in good humour to get our views across.

But there's a big difference between sensible (even if heated) discussion and pure bile, aggression and just plain silly comments... and there does seem to be a rise in flame bait posts and comments recently.

While I don't like the idea of limiting new members perhaps accounts could have tiers of privileges allowing mods more freedom in control.

For example the ability to post new threads vs just post in existing ones. Limits to the number of posts. These could even be applied to different forums - so its a more lax affair in general discussions but sales discussions must be relevant, etc.

That would enable, for example, mods to remove say your ability to post new topics for a while, or limit you to say x number of posts a day rather than having outright bans.

Given the obvious fact that many posts are from fanboys for a particular console it would be handy to control posting by console as well - i.e. if a Sony fan is causing trouble in the Xbox & Wii forums prevent him posting in them, etc.

If nothing else there's always one good response... Ignore! Actually, perhaps we could have a status of 'on ignore' that accounts get set to that limits posting privileges for a while and also acts as a clear indication that the member has been trolling, etc. I suspect what would help mods would be the ability to simply implement the change and leave it to re-set automatically - so they can quickly dish out a 10 day new thread creation punishment and know that after ten days it will reset.

All bolded = excellent points. Since its all bolded I give this post a 10/10 - Its better than MGS4 (higher VGcriticz rating)

@Leetgeek, I hate troll posts that support Microsoft or Nintendo, especially Microsoft. I perfer that Xbox360 fans keep a higher standard of personal conduct as that is the best way to act as an ambassador for the Xbox360. You attract more flies with honey than vinegar.

