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drinkandswim said:
DonFerrari said:

Then you have no idea what a console gen is or what the purpose of the Pro and X1X.

Pro was made just to get the 4K TVs some use (mind you that Sony manufacture these TVs as well) and PSVR platform of choice. With the clear idea of not fracturing the userbase and having all games work on both consoles. So the easiest way to have games working on both consoles is just res and in some case some small gain on fps. Plus PS4Pro is quite a small jump in power from the base console.

X1X was made both to cover the "strongest console" MS wanted after losing in all fronts for 4 years plus the great gap between consoles and PCs. But also MS doesn't want to break the userbase mid-gen.

So your comparison is really pointless, you arbritated the no gen jump to talk about "recently all extra power go to res and fps". We haven't changed gen so there were nowhere else to go, even more when CPU was basically kept the same and GPU itself only got a double or triple count on CUs. No new architeture, no other big improvements in the HW parts as well. Plus no intention of making games that couldn't be made on base consoles.

When gen change for PS5 and Xbox next, you can be sure the jump will be much more noticeable than mid gen refreshes, and the AAA games made after the crossgen will be generally not possible on the older consoles (sure you can make several compromisses and make ports, but you could even do that today to launch a PS1 or PS2 game, just wouldn't look anywhere close).

You seem to have a good amount of information, but little knowledge or understanding on the subject.

About your other post above... so you think 1/5 to 1/4 of PS4 userbase is double dipping on the consoles? Because ever since PS4Pro launched more than 20% of the sales have been of the Pro, on Xbox even more than this (probably over 1/3) even though the pricegap have been over double (like 199 to 499).

You are trying to portray to many factual things the wrong way to make an analysis that would make even Patcher blush.

Microsoft has stated there will be no New Console generations going forward. They are trying not the split the base at all, which also means very few exclusives.

"For us, we think the future is without console generations," Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg said.

It is you that doesn't seem to understand where the market is going, but one day you will figure it out. I perfectly understand what the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X do. The Xbox One X is complete failure and waste which hasn't sold anything. 

Microsoft have said many thing they changed later. This for example is over couple years ago. Now if you think MS will launch Xbox next costing 499 and playing same games of base X1 you are for a very strong wake to reality.

Sony have said they will still have next generation. And you can be sure their 1st party won't be hold down to a machine over 10 times weaker than their offering in PS5.

And exclusives on Xbox at the time was basically a no conversation.

drinkandswim said:

Xbox One X sold approximately 4 million in it's first year counting 2 Holiday seasons. If you think that is good then I don't know what to tell you. That is pretty abysmal to me considering how much more power it has then the Xbox One. In my opinion they would have been better off splitting the base. Especially considering Xbox One X had a price cut in its first year and a major sale on Black Friday ($399 with a free game).

Xbox total on that year was less than 10M, so X1X that is the premium offering sold quite good. It doesn't play a single game over X1. So over 40% (perhaps 50%) opting to pay 2,5x more for the same game is quite unexpected.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."