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December 8th Numbers have (FINALLY) been added.

My apologies for taking longer on this than usual. These past few weeks have been pretty rough and hectic for me. For starters, I graduated from college! I got my Bachelor's Degree and managed to land a new job as a Parent Aide immediately afterwards. The problem: My job is in Tucson, Arizona, while I live in Rio Rico, which is around 45-60 minutes away. So on top of trying to get situated into this new job while trying to establish myself as a professional. I have had to do A LOT of driving and have found myself lower on energy than usual.

Thankfully, I have been able to get a little more comfortable in my new role now that I have a much greater understanding of what I have to do and how to do it. These are some big changes in my life that I have had to give careful attention and hopefully it all works out (mostly by either getting another job closer to my current home or move up to Tucson.)

But anyways, now I'm back and ready to roll again! It's SMASH BROS ULTIMATE WEEK and it shows!