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KManX89 said:
DakonBlackblade said:

How can you possibily think that selling a pixel is not a problem. I guess thats why these companies don't go out of business, they sell ppl a pixel for 1$ and they actualy buy it.


CaptainExplosion said:

The issue is selling reticles, as in something that's free in every shooter besides this one. EVERY! SINGLE! ONE!

And this.

Jesus fucking Christ, people are actually defending Activi$ion selling them reticles in an FPS game, WTF?! I'll bet if they actually did charge for ammo like I talked about earlier (which I wouldn't put it past Activi$ion), they'd try to defend that as well. 

I see the day where they gonna start selling guns in FPS. As in, you'll have to start with just your fists and if you want more bang, shell out the bucks!

This is why modern day gaming is in the state it's in, because of people letting greedy companies like EA, Activi$ion, Konami, Ubisoft, WB, Take Two, etc. get away with it. Some people tried to defend Konami selling them $10 save slots as well, fucking SAVE SLOTS, a basic feature that's been free in every game since the NES days. What next? Charging to load the game up? Oh wait, I'll bet they'd try to defend THAT as well SMGDMFH. 

Let me spell it out in simple terms: if it's a basic feature, YOU DON'T FUCKING CHARGE FOR IT! Just like if it's on the disc, you don't fucking charge for it. That's like record companies saying "we'll charge you $5 extra for tracks 5, 10 and 11 on that CD you just bought".

This is why I mostly retrogame: No shitty monetisation and GOTY versions are complete unlike that MW2 rerelease that Activision did, both locking it behind a paywall of buying that year's CoD, but even removing features to sell them DLC down the line. There's a reason why my last Activison buy is older than their merge with Blizzard (and even several years older than the newest EA game I own, which is Dragon Age: Origins - from GOG with all the DLC included) : so greedy they don't deserve a single buck from me. I'd rather pirate one of their games than buy any, but since none of their games are anywhere close to what I'm playing, there's no risk to that either.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 03 January 2019