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Apparently Persona 5, a critically acclaimed game that had awards and nominations from varying groups, only really beaten for some awards by Breath of the Wild, sold 40% more on Amazon or something after the announcement of Joker being in Smash another critically acclaimed franchise that has regularly sold well above 5 million. This is a game that many have asked for on other systems only to be given the response of its exclusive.

Now I almost never care about sales unless its a means to an end. However, its rather interesting that people are attempting to downplay the influence of this.
Some of you are really here trying to frame the OP's thoughts as if it were an isolated opinion, whereas some of yours somehow represent some semblance of objectivity.
A lot of you are clamoring about Metroid this and Metroid that... How many actually bought the last Metroid game that "Everyone asked for"? Not many. And some of you are acting as if there is a factual basis as to why the newest Metroid, the one you've only seen a logo of, will sell demonstrably better.

I get that this isn't the announcement some you expected... but Nintendo never emphasized that it would be. So congrats on setting up personal, unreasonable expectations of franchises that have never sold incredibly well.
'Smash series and Persona 5 don't sell that much. Cranky Kong announcement was somehow better'. Gimme a break...