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FaithRaven said:
flames_of said:
@ Faithraven
True, some will aim high... But a few too many may aim low.

But thats how everything works. 95% crap games around 5% good games. 95% crap people around 5% good people and so on.


 Wow... that's got to be the most depressing outlook on life I've ever seen... I'ma cry now...

My point of view:

I understand Flame's thought process, but there's a fundamental flaw: As has already been stated, some of the big publishers are currently putting out crap on the Wii.  However, that looks to be changing very soon, and very rapidly.  The Wii is finally getting its' share of big-name exclusives and quality multiplats from top-tier developers, like Namco, Tecmo, LucasArts, Capcom, and Square.  I won't list them for the umpteenth time, but they vary quite widely in genre--hell, even with the limited list we have now (which will definitely be expanded at E3), we have:



-more sports games than last year

-stealth games

-sword-fighting games (with lightsabers, no less!XD)

-mature (read: gorey) action brawlers

-horror games

-Tons of others that defy classification, such as De Blob and World of Goo.


  I didn't give that list just to, yet again, show how the third-party support is growing exponentially (which it is).  Rather, I did it to point out that, once the Wii's library starts to get more diversified, these developers that need the extra cash to fund their moneysinking big-budget HD games will have to work for it.

  Once there's a decent selection of games from all genres (which there will be soon), just putting out "X-theme Party!" won't cut it.  Sure, there will always be a market for this type of game, like there always has been, but by and large, third-parties will soon have too much competition on the Wii to be able to simply crap out an 'exclusive' mini-game compilation with early-PS2 graphics.

  Couple that with the fact that, as I said before, and as many have been apt to point out, HD dev costs are getting too high not to be supplemented somehow, and with the Wii being an easy source for said supplementing, and third-parties will soon be forced to up their game on Wii.  Which, at the very minimum, means that the Wii will get just as many big exclusives as the other consoles.

  In one year, the story will be completely different than it is now.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."