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DMeisterJ said:
madskillz said:
DMeisterJ said:


Still in stage 1 hey Legend? 

It's time to move onto stage 2, Anger. 

Posted for you:

  1. Denial:
    • Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening."
  2. Anger:
    • Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "NO! NO! How can you accept this!"
  3. Bargaining:
    • Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years."
  4. Depression:
    • Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
  5. Acceptance:
    • Example - "It's going to be OK."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

Gotta love the way you don't even heed your own advice.



What advice haven't I heeded?  Hell, I went out and bought a Wii. I'd say that I pretty much ran the gamut from Denial to Acceptance and in quick form I might add... 

But you're still spouting nonsense that Microsoft isn't in a lick of trouble, months later.  So maybe you, as well as Legend11 should heed my advice:  The 360 is in trouble, and there is no victory in it for Microsoft, as Legend believes.  If you believe that being outsold every week for the last seven months is a "victory", you seriously need your head checked.   And if MS's price drop in America goes over as well (or not, lulz) as the European one, the next thirty five weeks, and beyond will be exactly the same.

Dude, this is hella funny. You do realize that the 360 is selling more THIS year than it did last year, right? So, let me ask you - the 360 hasn't had a real price cut in nearly 3 years since release, it continues to sell better than last year and it's a failure and in danger of losing its lead to Sony in ... how long? Of course the PS3 will prevail, but at what cost? It will never have Wiilike numbers or Wiilike success EVER. That's not fiction - that's fact. To beat the Wii, it took what - one of the key Sony exclusives to do that. If the PS3 beats the Wii, it won't be consistently.

Sony is losing money. As a business owner, I definitely understand about taking temporary losses with hopes of recouping that money later on. If I am selling the same number of a certain product for a particular price, actually better than I was last year, why should I cut prices? Just because the guy down the street is selling his product cheaper, but for a loss, doesn't mean I have to slash prices - for what? If I am starting to sell less - significantly - I will lower prices. Otherwise, it's business as usual. I'm still making money.

Stop living in Denial, start being angy so that you can move on.  Once acceptance comes, it's so awesome.

How would you know about moving on when you are one of the biggest PS3 apologists on this site? I can't recall you ever posting a negative comment about the PS3. Oh, you have consistently belittled the 360 but the PS3? The grass is always greener.

Angy? Why would I be angry? I own all 3 consoles - and see all of them for what they are worth. You can call me a 360 fanbot - but review my posts and show me where I am in denial about the 360, Wii or PS3. I am stating firsthand knowledge, because I OWN the systems. I own them, and have the right to voice my opinion. And no, I am not retarded enough to buy a PS3 just to bash it. However, when folks are calling it leaps ahead of the 360, I really just LOL and realize how much brand loyalty can cloud a person's judgment.

I see the console for what they are - games. I enjoy a few on the Wii and PS3, but have found more games on the 360 I like. Until Sony does a better job of keeping me interested, I am going Wii60, son.

Now that I've accepted that the PS3 is not doing that great (comprable to the Wii) this generation, I own a Wii.  A hell of a gaming console that I wouldn't have owned had I not accepted it.  If you just accept that the 360 is relegated to last place, and there is no victory in that for Microsoft, you too could enjoy a hell of a gaming console (The PS3), far more than you hate it.

How in the HELL can you tell me what I will enjoy? That's like a guy telling me I'd love a Dodge Viper and owns a Ford Pinto. He has never owned one, but knows so much about Vipers that he is sure I'd love it. Sadly, that's not the case. I have sat in a Viper - and the cockpit is way too tight for me. I would rather get something that I enjoy.

I own a PS3 and have tried for the life of me to accept it like you, Crazzyman, MikeB and others see it. I don't. I think one day it may be awesome, but it has a long hole to climb out of.

And for me to pay my hard-earned to buy something just to talk about is retarded. What sense does it make for me to pay $$$$ for a PS3 and hate it? Son, it's obvious that anyone who doesn't see it as being awesome and *likes* the 360 for any particular reason is a fanboy. You should consider a class in reading comprehension. We are a free nation - and have choices. I bought a PS3 - I had two of them - and don't find it to be any better than a 360, and prefer the 360 over the PS3 by miles.

Don't be bitter over this loss too long, just move on and accept the truth, and the facts, and the data.  Not the voices in your head, or your delusions.

You are talking about delusions - you own a 360 and have few words of praise for it. Why? Why? Why? You praise the PS3 so much you have folks believing you OWN one. Why not sell your 360 AND Wii and buy a PS3? Your devotion to the PS3's cause makes me really believe you are just on here to try and get a rise out of folks who like the 360. I just find it hard to believe that you can believe the propaganda that you spew.

Thanks for making me laugh for a long, long time this Sunday evening.