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I haven't been able to work out for a couple weeks now due to a back injury. Normally I would be jogging at least 3 times a week for an hour to 90 minutes at this time a year. Plus I lift weights every other day and exercise daily. The only thing I can still do now is a careful 40 pull ups and maybe some leg lifts while hanging from my arms.

What kinda worries me is that my BMI is dropping. It just went under 21 today. Normally it's around 22 this time of year. Maybe I'm slowly losing muscle mass although my appetite has been down as well due to the constant pain.

I'm also not sure if I should get back to full weights again after I get better. I was using 60 pound dumbbels, already went down to 55 as it felt too much on my arms. I used to lift those over my head a couple years ago yet gave over head lifting up after a previous back injury. I don't know if this new lower back injury is from weight lifting, yet if exercise keeps getting me injured I'm starting to have serious doubts about the benefits, hardly being able to walk now for a couple weeks. I'm 'only' 44, best shape of my life (before this) cycling 120kms in a day without any issues.

Amyway I would to work up a good sweat again, just can't now unless it's fever or pain sweat ugh. My regular exercise atm is chiropractor visits and hanging on the inversion table there. Whatever you do, don't over do it!