HoloDust said:
Honestly, as someone who played both TES: Daggerfall and Might & Magic VI before OOT back in days, I found it to be a charming game, but actually nowhere near the scope of those two games. Not the same genre, but if we're talking pure adventure, scale and exploration it was severely lacking compared to them. Admittedly, console and PC gaming were quite apart in those days, so I doubt many console gamers had a chance to experience these PC games, so I can see where this line of thinking might be coming from. |
I didn't even find OOT to match up with the scope, scale, and quality of Final Fantasy VII.
I once did a category by category breakdown (Audio, visual, fidelity, length, controls, side content, variety of content, etc), and OOT only won in the 'fun factor' category. FFVII's world was bigger,t he story was longer and better written, there were more and better developed characters, more things to do, and the shoddy controls hurt FFVII less because it was turn-based. And the game came out a year earlier.
You COULD argue that OOT had the more iconic and memorable music, but it also had some godawful tracks (Forest temple, anyone?) whereas FFVII was good or great all around. I'd also say One Winged Angel is better than anything in OOT. but music preferences are purely subjective.
I do agree that OOT was ambitious and it succeeded in many ways, but I think many games - even ones within its own franchise - have done better before and since. LTTP had more dungeons and mastered the 'two-worlds' mechanic better while also pioneering the game structure. Twilight PRincess did everything OOT did but better. Wolf link is more engaging than old/young link. Midna is better than Navi, and while I do agree the opening was torturous, the actual game has more content, a bigger world, and better graphics.
Then again, outside of JRPGs and a few sidescrolling games as well as a handful of others (like MarioKart), I felt the entire 5th generation was pretty much trash. A huge stepping point in gaming but one that hasn't held up well at all.
I recently went back and installed 2000 NES games, 790 SNES games, and 50 N64 games on my phone and I've been having a blast playing SNES games but can't be bothered to play N64 or NES games. N64 games are clunky and unrefined while NES games are too simple to be engaging outside of a handful of classics.
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