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curl-6 said:

I'm not a Pokemon fan so maybe I just don't "get it" but honestly 809 Pokemon just sounds like overkill to me, like just an insane amount of padding/filler. Quantity isn't everything.

"You hear that Mr. Sakurai? Instead of including everyone, better cut all fighters down to the original 12, that'll somehow make for a better game and not a worse one!"

They aren't filler, they're what define the gameplay. More characters means more options and possibilitys.

Super_Boom said:

I think that argument is a bit disingenuous anyway. I haven't played every Pokemon game, but I can't think of any that come ever close to having all 809 existing in the base game itself, i.e. roaming the wild available to be caught. In Sun/Moon for example, the game has around 200 available to catch, you only have access to the rest of the library if you trade with past games.

Not denying this game has less content...but I consider active playtime to be a better indicator of content than how many Pokemon I have access to. 

Of course I mean that they're in the game even if not available in the wild. GTS gives you access to all Pokemon even if you don't have any other games.

Are you saying how much content there is isn't a good indicator for how much content there is? Whut lol? Playtime isn't a good indicator as it's completely variable, dependent on the player and not necessarily on how much content there is. One person might play a game for 10 hours while another plays the same game for 1000. Only thing that can be said here is that more content means the game is more likely to hold the player's attention.

jonathanalis said:

To be fair:

-USUM is the model pokemon has adopted since the beginning. Yellow, crystal, emerald and platinum are all in the USUM model, and all of them do not add more then USUM.

-Lets Go had to add animations of each 150 +alolans pokemon following you, interacting with the enviroment, the animations of they normal lives and specific behavior in the tall grass while you don't approach them. Is far more much work for each pokemon. I don't expect to have all of this for all the 809 in the next game. And while they removed some mechanics, they add new ones that has more to do to the goal of the game. Chain combo, candies, coach trainers, getting rid of random encounters to show pokemon behavior in the world, adding an element of gameplay(you have to go to the pokemon youre seeing), even some for the competitive play as AVs, madam nature, perfect IVs on chain combos. 

But yeah, I agree that is still not great value for 60$. Great game with low value.

There's no reason to still use that model now that we're in the era of dlc, no reason besides greed of course.

We all know Gamefreak is lazy, no need to tell me that lel. They can atleast somewhat reach modern day standards when they try though. They gave all Pokemon high quality 3D models in Gen 6, and walking animations for every Pokemon was datamined in Sun/Moon, so I think we can expect Gen 8 to have that level of animation if not higher for all Pokemon.