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Yes, because apparently it's obnoxious to instill a bit of rationality into a thread every now and again. I guess it's a strangely hot take to say you should have to pay for bonus content, that you aren't owed free shit, and that people are just looking for reasons to bitch about anything and everything they can.

I honestly feel like people don't understand the core concepts of business and economy, or that their precious gaming medium isn't subject to the same rules as every other industry.

Yes there are shitty things that some businesses do. Yes there are some shitty things that gaming companies do.

But giving us hundreds of hours worth of content on the game card in one of the best games of all time but expecting you to buy an amiibo in order to get some bonus content is NOT a shitty thing to do. It's just Nintendo going 'hey, here's this amazing, detailed, fun game with more than one thousand collectibles and hundreds of hours of gameplay; and if you wanna do it like link from Twilight princess, that is gonna cost extra."

So yes, I am obnoxious if that's just code for 'sick and tired of entitled shits whining about anything that doesn't result in them getting free shit.'

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