Vini256 said:
I agree. Even though I enjoy collecting amiibo (I'm not even a big collector, I only have 7), having to buy one just so I could have the green tunic from the start of the game kind of sucked. Edit: At least Nintendo learned with Odyssey, so hopefully the next Zelda won't lock costumes exclusively behind amiibo again. |
What's wrong with locking optional aesthetics behind amiibo? They aren't the best armor in the game (in fact they're some of the worst armor in the game considering their stats and lack of bonuses for the most part), and they're purely aesthetic choices. The game is still a complete and fulfilling experience out of the box and the Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword armor sets are there purely for nostalgia. Complaining about that is just silly, when you think about it.
IT's called supply and demand. They created a demand and a supply. If you care enough you'll buy the amiibo. That's like business 101.
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