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Vini256 said:
Runa216 said:
Wind Waker:

*wall of text*

You're allowed to like other games more but to say it's mediocre or 'just good' is plain wrong.


Runa216 said: 

I know the game got great reviews, but to this day I genuinely have no idea how. Skyward Sword is one of my infamous outliers alongside other terrible games in franchises I otherwise love. 

14 - Skyward Sword (Broken, unplayable tech demo for babies)

I love me some Zelda. I hate me some Skyward Sword. 

So we can't say Wind Waker is mediocre but you can say Skyward Sword is awful? That is a double standard if I've ever seen one.

Also, Skyward Sword is one of my favorite games ever (If not my #1) while I consider BotW my biggest disappointment in gaming. Just so you know, really ;)

Saying one game is better than another is not a double standard. A double standard is refusing to apply the same rules of criticism to two separate things based solely on bias. 

Saying Wind Waker is bad is wrong because Wind Waker is amazing. 

Saying Skyward Sword is bad is a reasonable thing to say because that game is a broken tech demo for babies. 

One of these games are good and has already gone down as a timeless classic (Wind Waker), and the other has been mostly forgotten to time with video essays describing where it went wrong all over the place. Wind Waker got better review scores and sold better, Wind Waker has timeless art direction and animation, and isn't plagued with horribly sad and pathetic, broken motion controls. 

So you can dislike Wind Waker for its art style or whatever all you want. That doesn't make it a bad game. Me hating Skyward Sword for having core gameplay mechanics that are fundamentally broken and conveyance so detailed and spelled out for you that babies can play it is an actual critique of the game's quality. One is a bad game, the other is a game that has something you don't like. So no, it's not a double standard at all when the critiques for one are subjective and the critiques for the other are objective. 

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