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ssj12 said:
Kasz216 said:
BengaBenga said:
Kasz216 said:
ssj12 said:
alpha_dk said:
ssj12 said:


Well with Blu-ray music might get a second round in the HD music players again. Thats right music on Blu-ray in stunning quality.




I;m serious, I loved the idea of super-audio CDs back in the day. They offered a much cleaner sound then CDs. If they were Blu-Music Discs the audio quality would be amazing. 7.1 Uncompressed audio = awesome!

The problem is... you're about the only one.

If people cared about sound quality we wouldn't have CD's or Cassette tapes. Everyone would still be spinning the Vinyl.

Which is generally the problem. Your looking at this stuff from a tech enthusiasts point of view. Not from the view of the market as a whole.

I mean... why didn't Laserdisc catch on? It was better in every way. Why did VHS beat out Betamax when Beta was the better format?

These are the kind of things the tech enthusists miss.


Well, Vinyl is making a big return. The big electronic stores here all sell new Vinyl nowadays, so it's becoming mainstream again. All the new records are also printed on Vinyl.

I buy most of the stuff on vinyl, because it sounds enormously better. You don't need a professional audio set to hear that.

Are you sure it's becoming Mainstream?   Last time I checked it was just traditional DJs and the same musicphiles.  I'm sure it's percentage of the physical media has risen but that would be do to MP3's and stuff catching on.


Ya, it is basically those. And the group is called audiophiles not musicphiles. I'd still much rather have SACDs or Blu-CDs as they would be smaller and easier to store.

I think there's a kind of anti-movement going on versus the terrible quality of mp3. I know it won't be mainstream like mp3, but there are a lot of people, especially over 25, that like to spend money on beatiful things. Vinyl records are now sold here at MediaMarkt, which is comparable to Best Buy and Target. A really big retailler. If they have it on sale it's certainly not some obscure market that buys these things. This retailer is by the way also the biggest BluRay seller here. Blu-Ray and Vinyl are quite comparable. They appeal to people that want the best quality.

So yeah: It's for audiophiles, but that group is growing due to people being tired of low quality mp3's.