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Machiavellian said:
jason1637 said:


I support illegal immigration to some extent. Mostly giving a path to citizenship to kids brought here by their parents but at the same time we should increase border security to stop those from coming in illegally and have become stricter on those that stay here when their visa have expired. But i don't support just giving a path to citizenship to all illegal immigrants following the laws.

From your last statement how do you conclude giving amnesty as being supporting illegal immigration.  If you want to understand what the Dems support then go back to the gang of 8 from 2013 bill they tried to pass which was a bipartisan effort.  All the things you list were on that bill, increase border security, stricter enforcement on expired visas etc.  The thing is it took 10 years to become a citizen for people seeking citizenship and there were a lot of rules that had to be followed in order to make it.  There was no amnesty for all and the effort was to make it easier to find people who probably should be deported for people who are looking to become legal.  

Giving a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants is supporting them lol. You're not punishing them for their crime but instead rewarding them.