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Runa216 said:
Well, as is par for the course, I was actually really happy with this direct aside from a few omissions...until I came to this dour, cynical, entitled board. I see a whole lot more complaining and whining and bitching and moaning about missing fighters or your waifus being assist trophies instead of fighters or something.

Yes, it is unfortunate that there doesn't appear to be a stage builder.
Yes, it is unfortunate your dream daddy isn't in the game (My chosen lover is Geno)
Yes, it's okay to be disappointed by an omission or a feature you didn't appreciate.

But holy shit could the lot of you TRY that lovely thing called Optimism? There's so much GOOD going on in this game and you're all choosing to focus on the bad? "Bwaaaah, Pirhana plant is in the game but not Waluigi? Boycott Nintendo!" "So disappointed (insert character here) is an assist trophy! Why aren't they a fighter?" "I hate this spirits mode thing!" "Who thought (insert feature here) was a good idea?!"

74 fighters, one of the highest in any fighting game ever including every prior fighter in the franchise with more on the way, over 100 stages, dozens of new battle modes, presumably a better online (I can only assume but it's a safe assumption), An actual story/campaign mode, Literally thousands of things to do and achievements to unlock, an RPG style progression, and many, many other things I haven't even mentioned? Yes, this is a win. this is a HUGE win. nearly everything about this game is a win and yet I can't spend more than ten minutes browsing the internet hoping to bask in shared glory and optimism and all I get is a swamp of cynicism and vitriol.

Games are supposed to be fun.

I fear many of you have forgotten that.

Like I said, I am disappointed in a few things, but I'm excited for virtually everything else. Incineroar makes sense (I would have preferred Decidueye as the Gen VII rep, but this works). why does he make sense? because he's the most popular of the Gen VII starters. "But why not Blaziken?" Because Gen VII. Duh. Do I really need to explain that? I can go through this whole thread and dissect nearly every complaint as clearly wrong, misguided, ignorant, or just entitled. I have yet to see scrutiny that is actually justified.

So can we be a bit more positive or would you rather just be toxic?

This is a wonderful post.

And it highlights why we as a community are out of touch with the market. We already identified that a few times in other discussions, and this is the youngest one.