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Mnementh said:
potato_hamster said:

Get out of here with this nonsense. That is complete and utter crap and does nothing but tarnish your credibility. You contradict yourself by mentioning publishers in this very post that in your opinion reach a level of "polish" that rivals Nintendo who are far more popular on non-Nintendo platforms. Smarten up.


GoOnKid said:

Whoah, I saw all of that, too! I didn't even know these had names, actually. All of those left an ugly stain in my experience, sadly. Therefore,  can understand where you come from and I share your opinion.

You probably could have worded that second bolded one better but I get what you mean.

Yeah, I could've worded it better. It was at the end of a long post. What I mean is, that many big games have the missing polish. And don't get me wrong, the games are still fun, I enjoyed Skyrim very much, but still I would've wished such glitches would've been fixed. On Nintendo systems gamers experience this high level of polish with first party products. Not that Nintendo fucks up here and there, for instance Luigis Mansion 2 on the 3DS was riddled with glitches. But for the most part they set a standard. This standard isn't there on other consoles. Gamers are used to the glitches and shrug them off. The games that have that polish (as I mentioned, Atlus, Rockstar, CD Project Red) are usually met with praise and I expect some of it stems from the fact that the games held a higher standard than what the gamers on this console are used to. That is what I meant.

And the names for the glitches were my words. I think everyone understands what I talk about if I say floating tree, especially if they noticed it too.

There are also many big games that are very polished. There also are many Nitnendo games that lack polish. Luigi's Mansion 2 is just the tip of the iceberg. For example: The last few Mario party games, the last couple Mario Tennis games, or the last couple Paper Mario games,  or Nintendogs, or Wii Music, or Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival or Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Need I go on? Nintendo regularly puts out games that no one would rationally call a "great game" while putting out some of the best video games every single year.

The standard is there on other consoles. This is complete nonsense. Look how Ubisoft got raked over the coals for that Assassin's Creed game with the missing face glitch. Look how EA got raked over the coals for Mass Effect Andromeda. There are dozens and dozens of examples you can find of PS4, XBox and PC players letting developers know that the quality of their games do not meet standards and are unacceptable. Look at Guerilla Game's reputation but putting out unremarkable games until Horizon: Zero Dawn. Non-Nintendo gamers don't put up with poor quality titles any more than Nitnendo gamers do. This is completely baseless.

Also, pretty hilarious that you think Rockstar is known for their polish. Do yourself a favor. Google "GTA V glitch" and see the thousands of results. Even better, check out this compliation of Red Dead Redemption glitches.

Rockstar is known for putting out pretty buggy titles. But let me guess, you find Rockstar's games pretty fun, so you're willing to gloss over it. ;)