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FilaBrasileiro said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

When you address me? LOL....What the hell is wrong with you and what's your problem? You asked about internet speculation and which was the better looking game and I gave you 2 forums where the majority thinks Uncharted looks better than Gears and then you proceed to downplay GAF and tell me about anectodal evidence and how people there are sheep and how you hate them, basically you started ranting off-topic on your GAF bashing quest, kind of reminds me of your revenge on your internet foes due to MGS4 and NG2 scores. There's no evidence, you just have to look and play the games. Just because the majority of people disagree with you doesn't mean you have to get all bitter and defensive.


Anyways, my answer was short and to the point. At those forums, the general consensus is that Uncharted looks better than Gears. Obviously there'll be some such as yourself that disagree. I have played both on a 1080p capable TV and I have to say that Uncharted looks better even though I think Gears is a better game mainly due to how much fun the Co-Op campaign and MP was.


In terms of fanboys numbers on the net it goes Nintendo fanboys>Sony fanboys>Microsoft fanboys

And of course there are the hates and they go Sony haters>Nintendo haters>Microsoft haters

It seems like you like being part of the popular crowd.



I'm not trying to keep a flame post going, so I'll try not to offend with my responses here.

In my opinion, both Uncharted and Gears are mildly over-rated. Neither game has any above average art-style. I'd say they are incomparable. I also believe that anyone who says Uncharted looks better obviously owns a PS3, take that to mean what you will. I'm not here to argue over opinion. I assert that you are probably simply a Sony fan trying to push the PS3's graphical power by pushing your "PS3 exclusives look better" talking point, but lets not kid ourselves, I can't prove it, but everyone knows it obvious, as are many things obvious on these forums that we might feel aren't quite politically correct, so we might not say them. A flame war, which is going on right now, is ugly and rude and doesn't belong on this forum.


FYI, however, I own a PS3 and a 360, I don't own a Wii, and don't think I brought up anything about Nintendo. The two systems are virtually identical graphic-wise, and anyone who takes one systems side over another probaby has alterior fanboy motives. The proper, unbiased answer to Uncharted vs Gears is "I don't know."

Still, since Gears has been out far longer, has more fans, and more people have seen it, there is no doubt that the vast majority of internet graphics whores have touted Gears far more than Uncharted.

I say we end it right here. I'm not gonna respond again, because I don't wanna get in a fight on these forums and risk moderation when in reality nobody but you and I even care about this argument. It's silly, pointless, and laden with "gotcha moments" used to hide what everyone knows, which is that we are both slightly biased towards which console, for whatever reason, we feel is the best. In your case the PS3, in my case the Wii.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.