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RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

All you mean Nintendo's policy of price-gouging third parties and limiting the number of titles they could release on NES/SNES per year while not limiting the number of titles they published themselves? Or maybe it was when they started to censor what kind of content third party developers could publish on their platform to a point where Mortal Kombat games couldn't even feature blood? Those kinds of things Nintendo thought they could get away with when they were the only real option. Is that the kind of "bias against Nintendo" you're referring to? And it's not like it got any better from there. Just look into Nintendo's history with Argonaut games.

Third parties never liked working with Nintendo, they've always been by far the most difficult to work, the most anal about shit that really doesn't matter. Getting a game certified by Nintendo was like pulling teeth. Third parties worked with Nintendo for the NES because they had little other choice. it was the only real viable platform at the time. But when other first parties like Sega, Sony and Microsoft gave third parties viable options to work with, third parties didn't have to put up with Nintendo's shit anymore, so they didn't. It's taken over 20 years, but Nintendo's finally started to lighten up and be more willing to work with third parties, but you know, it's a bit late.

TL;DR Nintendo were giant dicks and no one wanted to work with them, not the other way around.

Since your rebuttal closes with the admission that third parties hold a grudge against Nintendo and that being the reason why certain AAA publishers don't bother with Switch, there's not really much else I need to say. Not making games because of a grudge falls in the category of bias.

I don't have pity for third parties getting put restrictions of them, because American third parties crashed the American video game market by flooding it with shitty and buggy games. Nintendo's restrictions in the 1980s made success in the business a matter of quality, because quantity wasn't allowed. This gave rise to Japanese developers in a sustainable console market, so of course certain Americans were angry at Nintendo, just like certain Americans were incredibly upset when Japan conquered the American car market. Gamers don't look at those restrictions as something negative, because the results speak for themselves; we got great consoles with awesome games.

Is this a language thing? Nintendo "lightening up" doesn't mean "third parties hold grudges". Not even a little bit. These companies aren't discriminating against Nintendo at all. "Third parties are hesitant to invest in a platform that proves time and time again ti's difficult to develop for and make money on. It's much easier to make money on Sony and Microsoft platforms. They're much easier to work with, they actually support third parties. It requires less effort, less money and less dicking around playing patty-cake bullshit to make a game for a Sony or Microsoft platform.  That's a fact. And yes, it is Nintendo's problem that they continuously fail to deliver a platform that requires so much work to port multi-platform games on. Even the publishers that are supporting Nintendo like Ubisoft and Bethesda are only releasing a fraction of their multi-platform titles. Why? Because it's not worth the effort.

Those restrictions on limiting the number of games of censoring content to a rather extreme degree didn't make the games better. All it did was make publishers more creative and create new publishing labels to appease Nintendo. You're still not understanding that Nintendo were such a pain in the ass that the first chance that developers had to put their games on a competitive platform almost all of them jumped ship and abandoned Nintendo as a main development platform overnight. Did EA and Activision or Squaresoft or Capcom or Konami start flooding  Sony  and Sega platforms with garbage titles? Nope. They just closed up all the pseudo-publishing labels Nintendo forced them to make and kept on trucking. But keep perpetuating that myth.