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Jokes aside, this entire ordeal was a national embarrassment. You have a claim with no evidence at all to even suggest the possibility of it happening. You have a Judge that all accounts regard as absolutely qualified being called a gang rapist and a repeat offender. You have a political party assume and promote his guilt strictly based on politics and now you have leftist calling to add seats to the supreme Court because they can't win at the ballot box so they have to change the rules to suit them.

I always knew the Obama years would damage the country in a tangible way. Never did I thought his administration and the brainwashing done to children who grew up during his tenure would mean that when they eventually lost their political fight that they would turn into essentially Jihadist. This isn't about sharing and debating ideas, these people are stuck in the perspective that this is a battle between Good and Evil and they will fight their battles by any means necessary. It's as close to group hysteria as you can get.