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sundin13 said:
KLAMarine said:

1/1200000 or .00000083%

.00000083% of Reddit threads (it's actually less than this since we're assuming each subreddit only has one thread in our calculation) was deemed worthy of an entry on the list. However, tackling the problem that "2-8%" of rape allegations are false as stated by number 21 isn't worthy of an entry.

Last I checked, the minimum figure of 2% >> .00000083%. Proportionally speaking, false allegations are a greater problem than Reddit threads that talk about men inflicting pain on women during sex.

First of all, this math is nonsense.

Second of all, I think you are kind of missing the point.

The math is nonsense because they are unequal comparisons. These false rape accusations aren't reddit threads

I agree. False rape accusations are worse.

sundin13 said:

so utilizing percentages is an awful way to demonstrate the comparison. If you say "90% of people who are hit by falling space debris die" and "10% of people who are bitten by a shark die", it wouldn't really be valid to assume that space debris is more likely to kill you if one person dies of space debris every 10 years and 10 people die from shark bites every year. Obviously the numbers are hypothetical, but utilizing percentages in this way is just nonsense.

I don't think it's an awful way at all. It's a great way to show how pervasive something is: how pervasive are false rape allegations? 2-8% of rape allegations are false according to the list SpokenTruth provided. How pervasive are "men causing women pain during sex" threads on Reddit? The list uses the word "threads" which is plural but only alludes to one such thread existing which it refused to link to.

Assuming the thread exists, per my calculations, .00000083% of Reddit threads are "dedicated to men causing women pain during sex" and that's me being generous.

In conclusion, false accusations are more pervasive in the realm of accusations than threads "dedicated to men causing women pain during sex" in the realm of Reddit if the information the list provides is factual.

sundin13 said:

But beyond that, I don't think the point of pointing out that subreddit is to say "look at how big of a problem Reddit is", it is simply a means of anecdotally demonstrating unhealthy views towards sex and towards women which are accepted by sites like reddit. It is not meant to serve as the point in and of itself, it is merely meant as one one tiny piece of the whole picture of how unhealthy views towards women are handled in our culture. Personally I don't find that singular piece of evidence entirely compelling, but it is far from the only piece of evidence demonstrating the normalization (and in some cases, the fetishization) of rape. Simply waving around context-less numbers does nothing to actually argue this point or support your own (which, by the way, the point you are trying to make is not mutually exclusive with the point that you seem to be trying to refute, so holding them against each other is virtually meaningless).

I don't recall trying to refute a point, what I'm trying to do is argue for the inclusion of a 26th entry to SpokenTruth's rape culture list.