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SpokenTruth said:
KLAMarine said:

Speaking of math, have we figured out the percentage of Reddit threads that are made up by the one thread mentioned in number 18?

Not sure how the percentage of 1 thread to all Reddit threads is really relevant.  You're hung up on it like it proves something.  What, precisely, is your point?

My point is that the problem of false rape allegations can't be added to the list seemingly because false rape allegations are rare but number 18 can stay there when number 18 makes reference to a single, unnamed reddit thread.

"18. Reddit threads dedicated to men causing women pain during sex (I’m not going to give the thread credence by linking to it)."

Like my previous post established, there are currently a little over 1.2 million subreddits on Reddit.

ASSUMING each one of these subreddits contains one thread (I think it's safe to assume the majority of subreddits have >1 thread but let's give the benefit of the doubt), the math looks something like this.

1/1200000 or .00000083%

.00000083% of Reddit threads (it's actually less than this since we're assuming each subreddit only has one thread in our calculation) was deemed worthy of an entry on the list. However, tackling the problem that "2-8%" of rape allegations are false as stated by number 21 isn't worthy of an entry.

Last I checked, the minimum figure of 2% >> .00000083%. Proportionally speaking, false allegations are a greater problem than Reddit threads that talk about men inflicting pain on women during sex.

SpokenTruth said:

When you get me numbers of false accusations that challenge and rival these, then we can add them to the list of rape culture problems.  Until then, no.

2% >> .00000083%

I don't understand where the issue is. I'm not asking for entries in the list to be removed. I'm simply asking for an addition that points out the potential to weaponize an accusation because there are gullible people in the world like Shaun King.