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I think mobile versus local will be the biggest divide in this "war". It seems that those two can coexist peacefully and even symbiotically and they don't need to cannibalize each other too much. Also, it is far easier for new players to enter the mobile market rather than trying to push a new box into everyone's homes. That would require a huge investment with a great risk, as we have seen with many who have tried and failed to build a brand in the past.
Streaming will only be viable in certain areas of certain countries, so it will not be a huge global thing right now. Well, maybe the coming 5G tech will help facilitate that, but there will be limitations for that market for many years to come. (Maybe I'm just biased against it because I personally don't like the idea of streaming, even though I have the necessary capability.)
We'll see how things turn out. It makes you think about your own gaming habits and whether gaming will turn into something that doesn't appeal to you anymore. Mobile will never be a thing for me, a small screen just doesn't immerse me in the game. Streaming would have to be so reliable that I would never have to worry about getting cut off mid game or having my data be wiped out of some server in another country.. *sigh*