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SpokenTruth said:
thismeintiel said:

But keep trying. 

Did you read anything I wrote?  She picked a guy out of a line up based on a description and selected the guy who most resembled her attacker. The real attacker was not in the lineup.  Dr. Ford knew Kavanaugh, her attacker, personally.  No line up needed.


Jennifer Thompson did not know Ronald Cotton.  He simply resembled Bobby Poole who was not in the police line up.


Dr. Christine Ford knew Brett Kavanaugh.  But keep trying.

Quit trivializing her experience by playing loose with the facts and her words, just so you can move the goalposts in an attempt to attack a political opponent.  This is a woman who was raped for 20 mins straight.  This was much more traumatizing than what Ford supposedly had to go through, which in your original words, should aid in helping her remember it exactly.  In her own words, she cemented every detail of his face into her mind.  She shortly after (not 30+ years after) went to the authorities and had a sketch done.  They showed her pics of people who matched that sketch, and later did a line up.  She was 100% sure (hmm, sounds familiar) that it was Cotton.  She was in disbelieve when it turned out she was wrong.  It couldn't be, Cotton was the one who had raped her.  It's also important to note that she actually does remember where she was and at what time it did happen.

And her story is actually compelling.  But, now, Dems would have us convinced we need to believe a woman who conveniently knows nothing about the night in question, so it can't be proven or unproven.  She won't offer any facts about the night, where it happened, what time, how she got there.  No one corroborates her story.  In fact, they refute it.  She won't give us her therapist reports, most likely because she has more "facts" that she has changed about her story from then.  And that she has changed her story several times, even in the past few weeks, is an undeniable fact.  The only thing she knows for sure, again conveniently, is that it was Kavanaugh. 

Sorry, but we aren't just going to hang a man on such shoddy "evidence."  I know you believe the ends justify the means, but that's a poor excuse to make yourself believe the things you would have to to believe her without a shadow of a doubt.  I just pray that you don't have the same thing happen to you some time in the future.  Cause, while that would be karmatic justice, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.