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ratchet426 said:
Snoopy said:

I honestly believe (can't prove 100%) that Ford is lying. However, the biggest losers are the Democrats. Using this as a way to postpone the vote for their own benefit is really screwed up.

You mean like refusing to even hold hearings for a SCOTUS candidate for 10 months kinda screwed up?  If you want to talk about dereliction of duty and party over country, take a look at your pal McConnell for a shining example.

You mean like how Biden led the charge to stop Bush in '92 from appointing ~50 judgeships because it was an election year?  And you say 10 months.  Well, how about the Dems plans to keep that spot vacant for another 2+ years?  Or because it's "your guys," it's ok?

ratchet426 said:
sundin13 said:

There was until '96 and you can't retroactively apply stricter laws. That said, I don't think that is a defense of anything in this case, especially given the fact that it would implicate him in further crimes of perjury.

Well that's the rub: ANY kind of corroborating evidence (i.e. others confirming that Kavanaugh was at the party Ford described) would mean perjury for Kavanaugh, since he's on record under oath of never being at the party or ever meeting Ford.

All he had to say when these allegations came up was "Like most teenagers at the time I would sometimes have too much to drink. I do not recall any incident like Dr. Ford described and I have never nor would ever sexually harrass/assault women. I would welcome a full FBI investigation to clear my good name on this matter and to confirm my fitness to serve as a SCOTUS justice."  (or something along those lines)

Instead we got to see an angry, ranting, belligerent man yelling about Clinton conspiracy theories and alternately crying about how unfairly he was being treated. And all the while refusing to answer the question of whether he wanted and/or supported an FBI investigation to clear his name.

That is blatantly false and you know it.  He said he would support whatever the committee suggested happen.  Asking him the same thing over and over again doesn't change anything.  Nor does it mean you "got him."  He, and the other Reps, called for the committee to hold the hearing to begin with.  And this investigation could have happened much sooner, and privately like Ford wanted, if the Dems didn't keep this as their last ditch effort to delay the process.

ratchet426 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

She can't remember anything, holes all over her story,people she named in her statements,all denied her story,etc. Kav passed 6 background checks by the FBI already. This is a political hit,no question about that.  So gotta disagree all the way with your assessment 

Whether or not you believe Ford made all this up as an elaborate "hit job" (and a very personally dangerous one, ie. committing perjury), the fact is that Kavanaugh's _reaction_ to these accusations, with his wild partisan conspiracy theories and unhinged yelling/crying Academy Award performance at the hearing should disqualify him. He is temperamentally and ideologically unfit to sit on the Supreme Court, period.

There is no theory, when that is exactly what happened.  The second he was nominated, the Dems opposed him.  Called him evil.  Said he would kill millions with his rulings.  A bunch of BS red meat thrown to their base, which led to his wife, and daughters being receiving rape/death threats.  Girls/women that I guess don't matter cause they are on the wrong side.  The Dems in those seats don't care.  Not about Kavanaugh's family or Ford.  If they did, they would have immediately let the committee know about the allegation, where it could have been investigated in private.  Instead, they lawyered up the woman, made sure she talked to no Reps about the matter, and kept it in hiding, waiting to spring it (by leaking it to the press) the second they had nothing else.

And it's not very dangerous for her, at all. You would have to prove, without a doubt, that she was lying for anything to be done.  And we never go after these women who make these claims that are never proven to be true.  Hell, we don't really go after the ones when it is obvious that they are lying.  Like with the Duke Lacrosse Team and the stripper.  It's why many are suggesting that penalties need to be in place for women who falsely accuse people of assault/rape.  When it is proven, of course.

Last edited by thismeintiel - on 30 September 2018