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CosmicSex said:
VAMatt said:

Is it?  They've been talking about this game for years now, and nobody has seen game play.  

But, sure, the game probably isn't actually vaporware.  The names attached to it have established track records, so most likely they will eventually ship something.  Nevertheless, it is past time for Kojima to put up or shut up.  We don't need more trailers.  We need to see an actual game.  

We have seen about as much gameplay from this as TLOU part 2 which has been in production far longer than Death Stranding... so what the likelihood that TLOU is vaperware? 75%?

You are being unreasonable, ridiculous, caddie, and borderline troolish.  Or is it special rule time for this specific game?  Come one now.  It was announced in 2016.   Two years is nothing considering its production had just begun.   If you believed even for one moment what you just posted, you wouldn't be able to make it through the day on any gaming sight.   You lost your shit after just two years?  Okay buddy.  I suggest you drop gaming as a hobby.  I have been waiting for Kingdom Hearts for over a decade.  You don't have what it takes to hangs with gaming fans man lol. 

Jesus dude, lighten up.  It's a gaming forum, on a thread about the 100th trailer for this game.