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forevercloud3000 said:

If you believe the bolded then you don't understand buying culture around these things. There is no positive benefit to SONY to unlock their player base to other consoles. All it means is X many people no longer have to have their console in order to play with their base if whom they can play with was a decider in the first place. Userbase has always been a selling point for consoles. So opening that Cross Play door ultimately leads to the loss of console's sold and money.

Their decision to keep it that way, It should be their choice without all these ridiculous market bully tactics. The "industry" right now is demanding Sony take an L on this front so Nintendo and Microsoft can better compete.....the entire premise is ludicrous.

As far as the consumers wanting this, there is seriously no reason for consumers to want this outside being an Xbox or Nintendo user feeling left out. PC and Phone Crossplay is already there. I personally don't NOT want it.....but I am not left out of the larger userbase because I bought a playstation. If friends want to play a game with me they know where I reside. I am seriously just trying to wrap my head around how you people believe Sony should care about the convenience of people who do not buy their products. Can any of you really explain this to me?

This is not just with gamers but the world as a whole see this as nothing more than greed. Sony want the monopoly and no matter how far ahead they are in sales or profits, they simply don't want to do a good deed for the gamers. I could understand completely if they were struggling and required gamers to play on there platforms but when you are top dog of sales, why is it an issue? If anything, saying no to this is hurting Sony more than it would by allowing Cross-play.

Replied to the bold - This doesn't just affect Xbox or Nintendo owners, it also affects PlayStation owners that want to link up with there friends. How could you not see that? You are only looking at this through your own eyes, and it seems you are quite happy to screw your friends over on this as well. Guess they need to buy that PS4 to play Fortnite with you correct? That's pretty much how you sound in your post.

Also its the PR behind the whole issue. If Sony say that PlayStation is the superior experience than they should have no problem allowing cross play because all those PS4 gamers shouldn't jump ship because of that superior experience.

No one is forcing Sony to take the L on this topic, Sony themselves are taking the L and by doing so, slapping there own customers in the face. Sony should be just staying quiet on the matter rather than say things like that. 

I would say the exact same thing to any other company that follows this route as well.