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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
pokoko said:

If you're admitting that what you said wasn't what you meant to say, then that would make what you said fallacious.  My argument was based on what you said, not what you meant to say.  Fallacious is simply the existence of a fault.

That's exactly why I called you that.  You did all of that but you're trying to act like you didn't.  "lol" is bad but *burp* isn't.  "lol" is bad but seemingly mocking someone's spelling isn't--and even if you claim you didn't in the first line, you typing "Anyways being "povocted" is not an excuse" damn sure looks like you are.  You supposedly didn't change your argument but your first response to me wasn't, "hey, I didn't mean it that way," it was, "*burp* Oh did I just sense a fallacious argument in here?".  You just rationalize it after the fact.  The problem seems to be that you just say whatever you want and just assume that everyone will look at it exactly the same way as you even when there is no reason to assume that.  

... Again your responses don't make a lot of sense. 

I DIDN'T admit what I said was wrong. It wasn't. Just because someone clarifies something for you doesn't mean they're going back on what they said. That's ridiculous. I even said while clarifying that I should have over explained myself specifically so people like you wouldn't get a misinterpretation of what I said. What I said wasn't wrong, what you took from it was. 

"lol" is bad but *burp* isn't"

A ) Remember that I didn't take "lol" offensively so the criteria isn't what's offensive, I just took it as a wrongful exaggeration B ) you said "lol" first, then I responded with *burp* ... so yeah ... it was mocking your over-exaggeration ... it wasn't bad. Just like how you used "*burp*" as a critique against me with your last response by emphasizing it and using it over and over again, I used it against you originally to signify how ridiculous your exaggeration was. So either you were wrongful in your last reply, or I was never wrongful to begin with. 

"but seemingly mocking someone's spelling isn't"

How can you write seemingly in the same sentence where you try to make it seem like I was concretely mocking someone? I mean haven't you taken a step back and said to yourself "Wow, i'm trying to make someone look like a jerk for a meme". 

"You supposedly didn't change your argument but your first response to me wasn't, "hey, I didn't mean it that way," it was, "*burp* Oh did I just sense a fallacious argument in here?". "

Wait ... what? How does mocking your exaggeration imply that I DID change my argument? That point doesn't even come close to making sense ... at all. Fallacious literally means "based on a mistaken belief". Wouldn't that imply that in fact I NEVER changed my argument? Wouldn't that work against you and prove that I always thought you were misinterpreting my point? 

Honestly the whole problem is that you are over-thinking things that aren't there, and trying really hard to make points that don't make sense, and just being ridiculous. But sure, keep blaming me man. 


And my "lol" was mocking your ridiculous statement that an 11 year old should not be held responsible for slurs or insults--which it now seems you stand behind.  What's your problem, then?

If you still believe that an 11 year old is not responsible for insults or slurs then we have nothing to talk about.  If you're saying that you didn't mean that, then you're admitting that what you said was wrong.  Nothing else to say, really.