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Mar1217 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I mean look I'm usually the one to hold people accountable to a degree people would consider unreasonable, but really? 

Who cares if an 11 year old "provoked" him? He's a fucking adult. What could he say that provoked him? Cuss words? Slurs? Was he trolling? So what? That's just standard 11 year old online behavior. It's normal and instead of criticizing him for the possibility of that happening all accountability should be put on the party that is mature. 

That's why I said the "hypothetical" line,

Also, no we can certainly teach younger people not to be assholes on the internet/gaming/ect ... you can't simply go and normalize such behavior just because they're kids, That's an even worse excuse. Some of these kids repeat behaviors they've seen previously by older and people of their ages on the internet.

The only thing that's normal is people who have set themselves up for mediocrity because they think it is now justifiable. We can strive for better.

You and Pokoko are either purposefully or unintentionally basing your arguments on fallacious ideas of what I am saying (had to correct this because I'm still waking up and I don't know if just saying "being fallacious" makes any fucking sense). 

No where in my comment does it say that children should not be punished or corrected for bad behavior.

My entire point was that coming in here and blaming a child who got a death thread from someone 34 years older than him is silly. 

And if I'm being honest ... there's much more important behaviors to correct to stop someone from living a life of assholery and douchebagery than that of online rants and disses, and in fact I'd say most people just kind of grew out of that naturally (I sure as hell did, didn't need a parent for that to happen either). 

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 19 September 2018