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shikamaru317 said:

You're definitely right about PS4 OS, they have left it by the wayside. The latest numbered update, 6.0, only had stability improvements, no new features at all. The latest OS update I got on my XB1 added the new avatar system. And we can't forget all of the features that XB1's OS has already that PS4 lacks, achievement tracker, playtime tracker, etc. 

I also agree that Gamepass is a ridiculously good value compared to Sony's comparable streaming service, not only does it cost less, it offers local games instead of laggy cloud games, and it has all 1st party games day 1.

It definitely feels like Sony is getting lazy and overconfident again, just like they did when they let PS2's success go to their head. I worry that they are going to pull a PS3 again when they announce PS5, no crossplay, no backwards compatibility, poor price/performance ratio, a cocky attitude...

It’s more like the opposite. Microsoft is so desperate they are willing to offer their games at a clear loss if in return they get more to pay for their services. They wouldn’t be doing this if they were more competitive. They just try to get as many subscribers by luring them in with “free games” before the gen is over and even more people have switched to Playstation.

I’m highly doubting Sony will be that ignorant with PS5. If they would they’d get what they deserve, but rest assured Sony is also working on new features and an improved infrastructure.