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I largely agree with the OP's concerns.

The PS4 is stagnant, in terms of UI and other features. Sony is riding off the success of their games. (Which may or may not be a reasonable way for them to go, but it is definitely a fact).

The way they treated Vita was really bad. They just dropped it after it became clear that it wasn't going to sell as well as they hoped, leaving many owners with an expensive paper weight.

I don't know anything about the Xperia line, as I'm not a user. I've heard similar complaints elsewhere though.

Sony TVs..... well, they're definitely not a top choice for software features. This doesn't bother me, but I'll confirm that the OP's comment in this regard are accurate.

I don't have any brand loyalty, so I won't be making any big switch of all of my tech devices. As for gaming, I buy all multi-plats, except shooters, on PS4 Pro, because it is the most powerful console I own. If I buy an XBoneX, I'll change that. I buy shooters on XB, because the controller is much better. I also use XB as my main home entertainment device, because I like the TV control features.

With all of that said, I do think MS screwed buyers of XBone in one big way - the removal of the "snap" feature. It was a selling point of the system for me, and they just completely removed it. At first, they hinted that it would be replaced with something similar. But, AFAIK, that replacement never came. So, let's not pretend that MS is immune from criticism.