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rocketpig said:
windbane said:
rocketpig said:
GodofWine said:
rocketpig said:
Body shots in that game suck. I was forced to adapt my play style and as a result, 3/4 of my kills are headshots.

I have literally unloaded two clips into a moron "hiding" from point blank range and he didn't die.

Body damage is completely out of whack in this game.

Good...Im not alone / crazy.

I guess this why Im looking forward to SOCOM.

Ditto. Warhawk just didn't draw me in and MGO is pretty mediocre overall IMO.

Here's hoping that SOCOM kicks ass.


Something tells me you'll find some minor fault in SOCOM, too, and you'll just focus on that.

MGO does so much right, so much unique, that it is quite worth going for headshots. My experience with MGO is that it is the best online experience out there right now. It did take some adjusting to (coming off CoD4 and others), but it is really worth it. I think playing the single player MGS4 will lessen the controls barrier for people, too.

As for realism, 1 shot to the head can kill someone, but many shots to a kevlar-protected body might not.


You just won't give up, will you?

There are several people bitching about the same thing yet you point me out as if I'm making something up. I didn't even start the thread.

But, if you want me to go off on MGO, I'll be happy to:

- The lack of aiming speed options are fine for MGS4 but for online gaming, they just don't cut it.
- Midtown Maelstrom is a poorly designed sniper whore map.
- People not talking to each other in a team game sucks.
- CQC is borderline broken in online combat. Just mash buttons and hope something good happens.
- Adding skillset customization and making us pay for everything past the first character is bullshit.
- Not using the PSN login or structure is also bullshit.

Happy now? I could keep going on all day.

Shit, Warhawk is a vastly superior game to MGO. At least there aren't glaring control & hit location faults in that game and at least Sony isn't trying to charge me a quarter every time I hop in a Warhawk. Besides, no console shooter will ever get the title "best online experience going." Sorry, PC games will hold that title for the forseeable future.

You criticize everything...obsessively.

1.  There are aiming speed options for both 3rd person and first person, so I have no idea what you fact, they are in MGS4, too.

2.  Having played that map a lot in beta, I rarely used snipers and had success using knives even.

3.  Yes, people not talking sucks, but for now that's a lot of PS3 games and not just MGO.  I've been in a lot of games where people talk, though.

4.  CQC has a lot of depth to it and changes based on how many skill points you put into it.  I have the most fun using CQC out of everything else in the game, so I strongly disagree that it is broken.  It's the best part of MGO to me, because it's something that no other game does.

5.  You can change your skillset at any time, including before every new map in a game...

6.  Ok, not using PSN log-in is stupid.  How many times does that effect your game?  Oh yeah, the initial login...

To me, it is the best on console right now.  I'm sorry I have to specify that.  The problem with consoles is lack of mods, although I look forward to exploring the UT3 mods since I just got it for $12.  MGO is very unique, has a lot of depth and strategy, and it very well executed, imo.  I think the problem is people are jumping into it expecting CoD4.  When I first played MGO, I thought it was garbage, but it turns out I just didn't know what was going on yet.  I am not saying that will be everyone's experience, but it was mine.