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Europe doesn't belong to Europeans anymore than it does to Asians, Africans, or anyone else. Likewise, nobody should feel obligated to go back to some crappy country. On the flip side, European government certainly don't have any obligation to help anyone. Individual Europeans, just like individual Americans, and any other humans have a moral obligation to help Other people to the extent reasonably possible.

as far as I'm concerned, the correct approach to immigration of any sort, Refugee or otherwise, is to let anyone peaceful into any country they wish, and to give them anything. I'm an American. I want everybody who wants to be here to come on in. I want you to be legally able to work, legally own property, And legally do just about anything else. if you need financial assistance, or really help of any kind, I hope you get it. But, it shouldn't come from government. It should come from Individuals or voluntary organizations that want to help.