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John2290 said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Yeah, I understand what he means, but he worded it wrong, and from what I remember about those countries developing them is nearly impossible, thanks to scum like Islamic State and Assad's regime.

Yeah, agreed. I think this is mainly getting such bad attention for the wording, that and the  media twisting it further. I believe I know his intent here and he would be correct but to say it in Sweden of all places, I mean, did anyone close to him read ehat he was going to say. 

I too think migrants in Europe should return to there countries as soon as it's feasble or dig in here and be productive and perhaps do what the polish have done or the Irish in the past and rebuild their countries from afar. It seems most stay for the welfare and have no plans past that, it causes all sorts of problems and in my town they beg every day while receiving welfare, cause a great deal of crime and bring so much racism, especially to the black people around here. Of course my own experience is but a microcosm of Europe and I have to completely disagree with the Dalai lama when he says 'Europe is for Europeans" We are accepting here and have accepted otherwise their would be no migrants to comment on however our individual cultures should be respected by those migrants and while taking shelter in another's country with weekly aid one should respect the laws, cultures and citizens of that country so I completely agree with the Dalai lama when he says they should go home and "develop their own countries" or at least work on that from where they are now, even if that takes money out of our country it has been shown by other immigrant in the past two decades that it can have a very positive effect on lower end sectors, enough to offset the cost. However staying on welfare , committing crimes and abusing our citizens helps no one, least of all the migrants. 

I hope to gwt a full transcript of what he said but I'm very glad he said it as it's an issue that needs light shed upon it again and regularly. Hopefully create a situation where there is light at the end of the tunnel for European, migrants and economic immigrants for that matter too who often get lumped in with refugees. 

I have to say that I find this kind of thinking to be the kind of bullshit that people with prejudices and trump-ites would say. As Dulfite has said, realistically speaking these people are likely those who have suffered huge traumas, especially children and returning back to country of origin is not a possibility. It is possible for them to get work and support their countries (I am sure a number of refugees that do well and get work probably do send money home). Also I dont know where you are getting your ideas  of refugees staying on welfare and committing crimes comes from.

From what I understand and have herad, here in New Zealand, it is considered that refugees generally work harder, are more willing to take lower paying jobs and contribute more to their new countries (I have tried to find literature to support this but havent so far). I am sure that is the case also where you are from. 


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