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EricHiggin said:
Machiavellian said:

People do have to understand that there is a different boss running the Xbox division now compared to when they did not want cross play.  Different boss runs their department differently and we can definitely say that Phil is running the Xbox division way different then Don.  In the end, the real issue is Sony locking out accounts if you play on any other system more than cross Play.  Sony has the rights to not allow cross play on their system but trying to influence gamers to only play on their system is about as anti consumer as it comes and any person defending that policy should be ignored.

People have to understand that there is a different boss running SNY and the PS division now compared to when they were offering cross play. Different bosses run their departments differently and we can say that John and Ken are running SNY and PS somewhat differently then Andrew and Kaz. In the end, the real issue is MS and their lack of XB1 sales due to screwing up their launch, and following the same decision PS made with PS3, to offer cross play as a way to potentially gain more customers, and at the very least, win some over due to positive PR. MS has the right to offer cross play and complain all they want that PS won't join, but trying to influence other companies to purposely make decisions against their best interests is about as desperate as it comes and any person defending this should just live with their platform of choice, or add/change platforms.

You do notice, I am not talking about Cross Play.  I am talking about the practice of locking the account to the PS4 thus not allowing you to use the same account on a 3rd party game with another device.  That part of this whole issue is really the key, not Sony not wanting cross play.  Also, how is MS influencing other companies to support cross play.  I have no clue where you get that conclusion.  MS and Nintendo support cross play because it benefits them, no one is forcing Sony to do cross play.  If anything this probably was something developers have reached out to the different console makers more than any one console maker trying to force the others to comply.  Developers would love for cross play if all platforms supported it because it gives a much bigger player base for their games.  It can give more legs to games that do not sell well on different consoles.  Cross play in general is more for developers and gamers then it is for the console maker.  As a gamer why should I care about the companies politics especially money moves to force PS4 players to only use their console for a 3rd party game account you create.  I do not know about you but I have all the gaming systems.  If I want to play Fortnight on my phone, my switch, my PS4 or X1, why the hell would I want my account locked to the PS4 only.  Why should I care if this make sense for Sony to do because it keeps their market share somehow.  As soon as you start to think about a company protecting their marketshare more than you rights as a gamer is when you just become a tool of that company.

You can defend Sony not wanting cross play on their system but defending them on locking accounts to only their system is going on cult status.  I have purchase a Sony system since the PS1 and I will continue to purchase a system for as long as they have great games.  What I will not do is condom any practice Sony does because I purchase their console. This is a bad move no matter how you look at it as a gamer.  I guess if you are a fan of Sony you can look past this act but you only give them more leeway to do even more non consumer actions.