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EricHiggin said:

Trumps done a pretty good job of keeping the 'media politics' at bay though. He can't squash them all, but luckily for him, much of today's politics that are put in front of the people, are lazy useless politics that Trump can brush off. In today's world, there are always some individuals or groups going out of their way to politicize everything and anything, and if you spin it right, you can do just that. The problem for them, is that the people are starting to wake up, and for those that are woke, they are long done with the overboard political correctness BS. It's like trying to dig yourself out of quicksand at this point. Until the left start to go after Trump for extremely legit reasons, with hard evidence to back them up, they are just going to continue to sink. Either that, or they need to forget about Trump and ignore him, and put forth worthwhile opposition candidates with strong policies and messaging.

Trump doesn't call it the swamp for no reason. He knows exactly where he is, and is doing what he can to 'drain it' without screwing himself over in the process. Which isn't an easy thing to do at all to say the least, when you have every single swamp monster and creature trying to drown you non stop, all day, every day. Long game progress takes time, and even more time when your constantly dodging and dismantling road blocks at every left turn.

Would Trump hire someone like that? No, because Trump is a billionaire and his business is doing just fine so there is no need for him to stoop 'that low'. The American people, felt their 'business' was quite unstable and headed for another downward trend, and because the known experienced candidate didn't seem to care about that, they and their political system, took their chances with the new guy who said he could fix that problem as well as some other's that mattered to the people. So far he's done a pretty good job on those specific tasks. As for the rest of the many tasks, he'll either figure them out along the way, or he'll screw them up royally, which could mean a short 4 year term. I guess we'll see.

I believe we have a totally different viewpoint of Trump holding the media at bay.  If you are saying that no particular scandal, idiotic comment or diplomatic misstep stays in the media for long because they happen so often the media cannot keep up, I agree. 

You talk about the left going after Trump but from what I can see, its his own party going after Trump.  Do not forget it was Trump who place himself in the Russian Investigation by going on TV and saying he fired Comey on investigating him.  Stop trying to switch blame on others for his own stupid mistakes.  He goes into meetings with no clue what he is doing and have no clue to learn the job and his responsibilities.  Go read the excerpt from Woodard book.  You state the Dems are sinking but the predictions from even the Republicans is that they will probably take the house back.  If anything, that is not sinking and it goes counter to the President doing a good job with a strong economy.

Please do not even start with the "Drain the Swamp" slogan.  It was nothing more than a political tool just like "Lock her up" and a host of other crap he stated during the election.  Read this for some context.

You can also find the video from the Florida rally where he basically stated it was a slogan nothing more or watch the video in the link above where Trevor clip that part.  Either way, if Trump is draining the swamp, its only so that he can fill it with his own swamp monsters.  Have you even been paying attention to his administration.  The long game for Trump is to fill Washington with everyone that says yes to him without question and who will do anything including illegal things to get what he wants done.

Actually you do not know how well Trump business is doing because he refused to show his taxes.  Also just because he is a billionaire who inherited his money, you do not know how well he has managed that wealth.  What you can do is research on ever failed business he has done over his years and how he mismanaged them.  Or you can see how many times he has deceived, lied to partners to understand why no one in the US wants to work with him.  Ask yourself why no bank in the US will give him any money for any of his projects anymore.  Ask yourself how many times he has stiffed contractors for work done.  You look up to this man because he is a billionaire as if that makes him smart enough to deal with the complex issues that come in front of the President.  There is nothing in Trump's pass that shows he is capable.  If you want to go on the roller coaster of all the failures he has done for him to figure it out while people suffer under him experimenting then be my guess.