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Bofferbrauer2 said:

CoD beta was very poorly recieved, with dated visuals (even compared to MW3 apparently!), balancing issues, holding the map packs ransom behind an expensive season pass and the lack of single-player all together are making this game having a very poor reception. It's not or just barely for some days showing up in the Top 100 on either Gamestop or Amazon

And considering the disappointment that was CoD IIII with all these things, BF5 only having about 15% of it's preorders was an absolute disaster. Those 15% would have been bad enough against a regular CoD, but against a disappointing CoD it could become a showstopper for Dice; really hope for them that the delay will help them otherwise I'll know which Studio EA sends next to the chopping block.

Where are you getting all this info? Last year people were saying the same things about CODWWII and how its sales will be disappointing, and look how that turned out. Stop giving your own opinion as factual evidence.