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Bofferbrauer2 said:
PAOerfulone said:

The way these two trends are progressing makes me very curious of how the holiday season.

Same here

Nintendo did pretty good last year except October (because Odyssey came too late for pushing the whole month) and no Black Friday deal hurting November. This year Super Mario Party releases early October, Pokémon around BF and Smash early December, which should be vastly superior of what we got last year during that period. Add to this a potential BF deal or even a pricecut and Switch would sell bonkers.

PS4, on the other hand, will probably continue it's trend. Spiderman and RDR2 could slow it down a bit, but with both CoD and BF5 shaping up to be big disappointments, they won't do much for pushing sales. If Sony doesn't come with a permanent pricecut or extending it's BF deal until the end of the year I fear sales will just drop down further and further compared to last year.

Edit: As for Xbox One, there will soon be a jump in weekly sales to about what it's selling nowadays. This means it probably won't win much lead anymore until the One X launch, which boosted that week by a good 500k. In other words, which Xbox had been leading this whole year, it could end up flat overall

Oh, Nintendo's first party offering this holiday season completely stomps all over what they had last season. 2017 had one huge, system selling title, Super Mario Odyssey, and then 2 smaller, niche titles, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors. 2018 has two huge system sellers, Smash Ultimate and Pokemon, and then 1 potential system seller, Super Mario Party. I'm not counting on a Black Friday deal, because this is Nintendo we're talking about. But, a $199-249 Switch bundle with one of its evergreens (Odyssey, Mario Kart, Splatoon 2, or Breath of the Wild) and that could send Nintendo cruising to their goal of 20 million for the fiscal year.

I was aware of BF5 showing signs of being a bust, but not CoD. Unless the lack of a single-player campaign is much more crucial than I think, I believe it will sell about what you'd expect from a Call of Duty game. Other than that, I agree with just about every other point you mentioned on the PS4.

Every time I post new numbers here for the Xbox One, my mind always drifts to the eventual X launch. One thing that I believe Microsoft can and should use to its advantage is a $349-399 Xbox One X Black Friday deal.  I think that could negate the ground it would lose to the launch and even lead to 2018 being up YoY.