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RDR2 is in late October, not late November. It's sales effect will be gone by the time Black Friday roles around. Unless Sony is planning a $149 PS4 Slim and $249 PS4 Pro Black Friday deals (or any deals that are equally as mind-blowing), there's absolutely no way 2 million for that week is going to happen. In fact, any system selling 2 million units in one week, at this point, can only happen either at launch, a damn, damn, DAMN good deal on Black Friday, or if it's at the right price, selling gangbusters (DS), and has a huge killer app coming out in December just before Christmas (New Super Mario Bros. Wii in 2009). The PS4 has been selling very well, but it's nowhere near '07-'08 DS levels. (In fact, I don't think we'll see any system selling at THOSE levels from a long, long time; If ever.) It doesn't have a game coming out in December that can sell and appeal to the mainstream, holiday shopping crowd on the level that a 2D Mario game could.