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EricHiggin said:
Machiavellian said:

Ok, so your answer is that everyone is corrupt and no matter how many times Trump will lie about anything whether big or small you believe his actions so far shows he is legit.  Yeah that sounds like a cop out.  I support this corrupt person because I believe everyone else is corrupt.  I am not sure what actions make you believe Trump is somehow more honest then his years of basic lying, cheating and incompetence but that part I will not argue.  

My point is that it seems you just excuse everything.  Its one thing for someone to be wrong, to make mistakes, its another for people to be tolerant if that person constantly does something wrong and just accept it.

Did Stormy lose her husband during this whole thing.  Yeah, maybe you see she turned out ok but it appears to me she lost something and probably at the end of this will lose more for dealing with Trump.

No, my answer was "considering any individual who follows a political path, is corrupt enough that they shouldn't be given this type of power ever." I never said anything about always believing Trump, your assuming that. I also never said I supported him. You assume because I'm indirectly taking his side in this case, that I'm solely on his side, when I just explained how the situation would play out based on the facts available.

Your point is more of a blunt edge. This is one topic about one situation, and yet I'm somehow defending everything Trump has ever done? I'm not a coloring book, but if I was, your supposed to stay inside the edges, not color the entire page.

So you say it's Trump's own fault for screwing around with Stormy, and he should face any consequences that arise because of that, but Stormy is solely a victim and isn't responsible at all for her side of the poor decisions, and everyone should feel sorry for her? Apparently her husband doesn't have a lot of good to say about her aside from just the Trump fling. Is she not the one who came forward in the first place? It's Trump's fault she didn't think things through back then and more recently?

Ok, there is no doubt that I assume you do support him since your defense so far has given me no reason to doubt it.  If this isn't the case then lets just narrow down everything to this one incident.  My personal view on this incident is not that paying hush money is illegal.  My viewpoint is if Trump was advised that it was a violation and he chose to do it anyway then he placed himself in legal jeopardy. I do not care about Trump sex life or his immoral character when it comes to cheating on his wife.  I do consider that something between the husband and wife but I also feel its fair play when you run for public office.  People do judge people in public office based on such characters flaws and its relevant.  As for Trump supporters, I highly doubt that anyone would be surprised or even care since he has cheated on every one of his wives so why would this make a difference.

So my viewpoint is that if this becomes a serious issue for Trump, and he knew he was in violation then he took the risk and put himself in legal jeopardy.  We can argue all day on if campaign finance laws or this particular incident is serious enough to affect a sitting president but we are only guessing and only if this ever goes to court would we find out if there is any real meat to it.

As for Trump cheating on his wife with 2 different people during the time of this marriage (that's 2 we know about), yes, as a married man I do believe he should face any and all humiliation being a serial cheater.  Who had more to lose, Stormy or Trump.  Yes, she is as guilty for sleeping with the married man as the married man is for cheating.  Her involvement with the whole situation does not lessen Trump commitment to cheat or his character.  I see people try to deflect from Trump actions by focusing on Stormy but you can put them both in the same basket.  If you have secretes to hide, why go for the highest office in the country and not believe people will comb through your life looking for any and all dirt.