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SpokenTruth said:
NightlyPoe said:

You completely missed my point.  Could the money have been paid through the campaign legally?  If not, then it can't be considered a campaign donation.  What I'm basically saying is that it can't be illegal both ways.  Either the legal way to handle it was off the books or on the books.  It can't be neither.

Could the payment have been done without violating campaign finance laws?  Probably not.  Even if he declared the payment, it is still above the amount allowed per quarter.  It's a lower offense so it would have been better for him to do so but he didn't.  But, as noted before, declaring it would defeat the point of it being "hush money".

The best way for him to have handled this whole mess wold have been to pay the hush money years ago (before announcing his candidacy) or simply ignored it altogether and never paid at all.  His supporters don't seem to give a damn anyway so he paid out for nothing and it is getting him in trouble.

After a year and a half of nothing shaking his campaign, why in the world did they think they had to hush up those women 1 month before the election?

Isn't the reason we are here is a direct result of Trump actions.  One of the things I continue to state is that because of Trump's inexperience in politics and his willingness to not care about the laws put into place over his office has made political blunders left and right.  Even the Comey firing could have been done when he was elected, not after he made a request for Comey to let things slide.  Next, he could have stuck with the story Sessions presented and the document from Rosenstein giving the green light to fire Comey but he had to go on national TV and admit it was over the Russian investigation (really, how stupid can you be).  The investigation was going nowhere under Comey because it was totally under funded.  If he listen to his daughter and Son in Law, this whole thing would have been over long ago.

The hush money payment also looks like another example where Trump was given information that this would be a violation and he decided to go for it.  Trump doesn't respect the laws that govern his office and since he loves to push the boundaries, people have to accept that he will trip over one of them and find himself  in legal jeopardy.  The blame goes to the man making the decisions not the reactions as the results.