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EricHiggin said:

It's not up to me to convince you of what is right and wrong, I can only show you the door, your the one who has to walk through it. There is no proper answer to this question you pose, considering any individual who follows a political path, is corrupt enough that they shouldn't be given this type of power ever. Yet people go ahead and do it anyway. Trump isn't perfect like the rest of us, but his actions, and not so much his words, lead many to believe he's less corrupt than the other choices that were given, so short of the people refusing to vote, I don't see the problem. 

For some reason people keep agreeing with me, yet what they are agreeing to is nothing related to what I have said. Which makes me realize why they don't understand Trump. Apparently he touched Stormy and she's far from ash, she's being praised.

Ok, so your answer is that everyone is corrupt and no matter how many times Trump will lie about anything whether big or small you believe his actions so far shows he is legit.  Yeah that sounds like a cop out.  I support this corrupt person because I believe everyone else is corrupt.  I am not sure what actions make you believe Trump is somehow more honest then his years of basic lying, cheating and incompetence but that part I will not argue.  

My point is that it seems you just excuse everything.  Its one thing for someone to be wrong, to make mistakes, its another for people to be tolerant if that person constantly does something wrong and just accept it.

Did Stormy lose her husband during this whole thing.  Yeah, maybe you see she turned out ok but it appears to me she lost something and probably at the end of this will lose more for dealing with Trump.