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NightlyPoe said:
Machiavellian said:

1.  Does not matter if he used his personal money or not.  Its has always been a case of when the payments were made and in what relation to the campaign.  You cannot sit there and say 2 affairs from 2006 was something he was going to pay hush money for before running for Office.  Any payments made to the campaign whether personal, through a corporation you own or do not own or an outside entity is subject to campaign finance laws.  Read up on this part as you are totally wrong on 1 and 2.

You completely missed my point.  Could the money have been paid through the campaign legally?  If not, then it can't be considered a campaign donation.  What I'm basically saying is that it can't be illegal both ways.  Either the legal way to handle it was off the books or on the books.  It can't be neither.

As stated, Cohen lawyer isn't going to have his client plead guilty to something he did not do.  It doesn't make sense.

People plead guilty to things they didn't do every day.  If pleading guilty to this charge would shield his client from facing more serious charges that the they know the prosecutor can nail them on, you darn right Cohen's lawyer will recommend pleading guilty to this lesser charge.  He'd be a bad lawyer if he didn't recommend taking the deal.

No I do not get your first point. He paid money to Daniel from Trump organization and did not report it.   He accepted payment for Karen from AMI which is another contribution he did not report.  We will see if he had knowledge it was reportable but choose not to in order to conceal the payments.

For your second point, you tell me anyone who has pleaded guilty with a lawyer, they paid money for pleading to any crime they did not do.  You forget he pleaded to 8 counts not just the finance charge.  All the other charges would see him in jail for the rest of his life anyway.