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Medisti said:
DonFerrari said:

Even worse, it is against the idea that gay people are regular people. If you have to shoehorn and shove in the face then you are losing your point even before starting.

Being gay is their main, defining personality trait, and all of their interests and thoughts revolve around their sexuality, right?

Oh wait, no. They're normal people who happen to have a difference of preference on one particular thing. Silly me.

not only personality, but the need to show it to everyone at all time =p

Perhaps I just have old people and conservatives as RL close people (even conservative gay people) but they mostly are good people who like gays but don't like the exarcebated ones.

DialgaMarine said:
Mainly just taking historical events or established characters, and altering them in the name of being more inclusive. If a developer wants to make a game staring a gay black transgender female, that’s cool; just make her an original character, and do it because she just seems to fit the game’s narrative and genre. For example, Don’t make a Batman game, and have her replace Bruce Wayne.

A gay black transgender female the size of hulk or very sexy could be a villain or someone cooperating with Batman though, still not necessary, but considering as most people in Batman have some kind of mental disorder (protagonist and co as well) she would fit.

John2290 said:
Anything that aims to inject real world politics or issues into a game for any number of purposes from pandering to creating free advertising from outrage or buzz. I don't mind it if it doesn't detract from the escapism of the game or depending on genre the narrative, immersion or cohesion of the themes but when it's forced it's like a slap in the face and in the times of social media and all this nonsense divisiveness and bickering not many can add these themes and manage it effectively but to those who do, I applaud. I've no issue with games like a might in the woods or Gone home, I won't buy them and only play them if they are free to me, that's the story and game they want to make and I'm sure they know their demographic and potential audience, kudos to them.
For example horizon done it without a whiff until I looked in retrospect at everything they added in, like a matriarchal society full of every race mixed under the sun and a female lead but they implemented without publicizing it or forcing it it and done it well, they never once addressed it as something to applaud and I took it as the story and world they intendedon presenting to me but most of all, it made sense narrativly and, no spoilers but worked cohesively into the world building. It wasn't there for the sake of 'representation' or to make some obvious political point nor for gain of attention.
There is also the issue of a small vocal group of people who demand 'representation' and the games creators to cater to them on hand and knee but I very much doubt the vast majority of them buy the games at the end of the day, so I won't mention it further and any developers or publishers willing to sacrifice a large chunk of their core audience to cator to social activists... well, if it goes badly for them it don't feel any particular way about it.

Yep, you go a lot into the future to a time mankind was basically again at babel tower and after the events of HZD the small sample of that people was also very diverse makes a lot of sense. And they didn't try to point that as how inclusive they were, nor criticize anyone for not liking it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."