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Well there is more to it than just having a woman as the lead. In the case of BFV, it is more about EA's response and bad PR that is rubbing people the wrong way. It became an SJW issue, because they blatantly stated it was pretty much just that. Calling their fanbase "uneducated"did not help matters either.

Horizon Zero Dawn was on the lower end of the spectrum. It was a great game with a great story, and the female lead fit the story they were telling. The SJW aspect of it was that they went out of their way to make most male characters, save for the sun king, out as being bad and single minded whike leaving me struggling to think of a truly bad female character. They even tie feminism directly into some of the conversations that Alloy has with these individuals as well. Just look at the entire hunter's lodge questline for evidence.

Now as for the TLoU2, we have yet to see the full extent of the SJW content. People who are complaining about the lesbian kiss are out of their mind though. It is no different than making homosexuals watch Yuna and Tidus make out in Final Fantasy X. Hell Ellie was confirmed to AT LEAST be bisexual in the first game, so it is not like they are changing her character to cater to another vocal minority.  The SJW argument comes once again from Naughty Dog's responses to the vocal minority. By saying things like, "calm down, it is just a girl" and the like, they are basically taunting their audience similarly to how EA did with BFV. This makes one wonder what other "SJW" content could be found in the game, and if there really is an agenda after all.

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